Making sustainable food, water and energy available to developing countries such as Nepal and Madagascar is what NEXUS Center Netherlands believes in. Our focus is on creating sustainable solutions with an ecological, economic and social impact.
Each of our projects is unique to the problem it is designed to address. We seek the best solution for each individual community’s needs. This is crucial for sustainable growth. Find out more about our projects in Nepal and Madagascar.
We cannot do this alone. A financial impetus is needed to get the ball rolling. Learn about the possibilities for investing in us.
We have gained valuable insight into how to run a project in developing countries. You can also benefit from our knowledge, and leverage your public money to ensure a lasting impact.
The NEXUS Centers in Nepal have had a genuine lasting impact. In our initial set-up, 40,000 people benefited from basic services and 23 jobs were created. Our next step of adding smallholder farming will ensure we have an even greater local impact.
Creating value in the chain, by providing cooling for the local fishermen, has made all the difference. However, we go one step further. How can we raise awareness of the need to ensure local resources are managed sustainably?
The adaptability of our NEXUS concept is our strength. Have a look at what we have in the pipeline and please contact us if you have ideas that we can incorporate in our NEFACO or NEMACO to create more impact together.
NEXUS Center Netherlands firmly believes in the importance of sustainable food, water and energy, as this is crucial to gaining economic independence in BOP communities.
Today, 815 million people worldwide are hungry. About half of the world’s food production comes from small farmers, so a big part of the problem lies with inefficient agriculture in rural areas of developing countries. Many of these farmers can barely make ends meet, creating a bleak future perspective for themselves and their families. Therefore, helping the small farmers become more sustainable is the key to creating economic independence and eradicating hunger. There are a few elements that can help smallholder farmers prosper, which we will address below.
Safe drinking water and reliable energy are basic needs for success. One of the first steps is to educate and help small farmers to create sustainable food sources. In this respect, increased crop yield efficiency, irrigation and food processing are some of the elements that can make the difference. Once this has been achieved, the next step could be to provide small farmers with access to new urban markets through a cooperative. This gives them the opportunity to bundle their crops or products and thus create more value within the supply chain. In addition, distribution to surrounding urban cities will significantly reduce hunger as well as dependency on major cities and external aid. Collaborating with other rural and urban areas will also ensure inclusive development and shared prosperity.
Ultimately there is another aspect that we must bear in mind when dealing with the growing population and climate change, and that is the pressure on natural resources. Since most smallholder farmers can barely make ends meet, that is often the last thing on their minds, but it is essential for the longevity of their livelihoods. Attention and respect for natural resources in rural areas themselves will discourage young people from going to urban cities to find job opportunities. In the end, the balance between natural resources and the creation of new opportunities are the key to success.
Our vision on the importance of creating sustainable food resources in BOP communities is precisely why we started setting op NEXUS Centers. Today, we have successfully demonstrated that it is possible to create value in Madagascar’s sustainable fishing industry. Find out more by reading the article in The Guardian.
In conclusion, our goal is to have an impact on rural development, sustainable food, water and energy as well as conservation and climate change.