The heavy monsoon in Nepal affects over 48,000 families – a lot of them living in our project area. Only one NEXUS Center (Sauraha) was damaged by flooding, the remaining nine NEXUS Centers immediately began to provide drinking water for the population. The advantages of a decentralized, autonomous infrastructure have thus once again become obvious (keyword: disaster risk reduction).
The NEXUS Center in Sauraha was damaged by the high levels of water and left with a lot of mud deposits. Fabien Matthias, our trainee in Nepal, experienced the floods on the spot. “The mud was up to half a meter high at the NEXUS Center in Sauraha.”
Thanks to the spontaneous help of stranded tourists, we were able to clean the Center from the mud and sand in a short time and are positive that it can resume operation in the next days. Thank you very much for the help!
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Source: nexus ch
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